Post by Carly Marie for Still Standing Magazine
Did you know that the first Sunday of each May is International Bereaved Mother’s Day?
I know! We get a day all to ourselves!
This special day was created in 2010 to honour and celebrate the mothers who carry some, perhaps all, of their children in their hearts rather than their arms.
In our modern-day society, mothers who are grieving the death of their babies and children are usually forgotten.
This Mother’s Day: Honoring the Mothers Whose Empty Arms Ache
The traditional Mother’s Day has proven to be an emotionally exhausting day for so many mothers around the world.
Just because your child died does not mean that you are not a mother anymore.
You are your child’s mother forever, and people need to start recognizing this fact.
On Bereaved Mother’s Day each year, we come together to celebrate our connection, our babies and children, and our hope for the future.
It is a day for us to take some time out and look at their ultrasound photos, polish their urns, lay flowers at their graves, visit unique places, and light candles in their memory.
It is our day to be recognized as the beautiful mothers that we are.
To help raise awareness for International Bereaved Mother’s Day, please feel welcome to share the video above (find it also on our FB page) or graphics below.
You can post them on your friend’s walls on Facebook.
Let them know they are beautiful mothers.
To The Mother’s Hurting On Mother’s Day
Please feel welcome to use them on your blogs and social media.
We wish you all love and blessings for our Bereaved Mother’s Day.
I miss my youngest daugther March 15,2019. I am still in shock. I can’t believe she is forever gone. I thank my two remaining children for being at my side as much as possible .Also my grandchildren .
I miss my oldest son andrew who was killed 2 years ago on his motorcycle. This has been the hardest 2 years of my life and i dont see an end in sight. I miss him more and more with each passing day. I love u bear R.I.P. baby boy