Take a deep breath with me, sweet friend.
I need you to hear this.
It’s okay.
It’s okay to miss them.
It’s okay to say their name.
It’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to laugh.
It’s okay to breathe deeply.
It’s okay to smile when you think of them.
It’s okay to function.
It’s okay to have days where you can’t function.
It’s okay to be angry.
It’s okay to be thankful.
Its okay to love again.
It’s okay to remember.
It’s okay to hope.
It’s okay to be honest.
It’s okay to trust again.
It’s okay to pray.
It’s okay.
It’s okay.
It’s okay.
Give yourself permission.
Give yourself permission to feel.
Give yourself permission to love.
Give yourself permission to ache.
Give yourself permission to live.
They would want that.
They would want the best for you.
They would want you to live fully.
They would want you to love deeply.
They would want you to laugh.
They would want you to change this world with love.
They would want you to give that love to others, because they know the power of it.
You— their hero.
You— the love of their entire life.
You— the one who will never stop saying their name.
You— the one who is braving each day, putting one foot in front of the other, and living, even when part of you is worlds apart.
You— the one who loves them, endlessly.
You— you’re still standing.
You— you’re still breathing.
You— you’re making them proud, my friend.
{Your Thoughts}